..so about ten o'clock last night, the old muppet lady that lives with me had to have her toenails clipped....like they had grown so long in the last week or so...
..I'm sorry, did you need that toe attached to the nail, you see, if I take the whole damn toe off, no more nail growth.....for that matter, how about I take the whole foot off.....right at the ankle...you'd probably walk the same.....did I say it was ten o'clock at night??!! Go To Sleep Already!! Around four-thirty AM she was still messing with those damn things, like walking around in toenail clippings and dried heel skin for six and a half hours is my idea of a good time... "Come here Cujo, see Mama!" Not till you wash your hands woman, I know I lick myself clean, but toe juice is gross!!! Yeck!